Mall Grab

Mall Grab

Ten years deep, and Jordon Alexander, or Mall Grab to the dancefloor faithful, has sculpted a sonic signature that's impossible to mistake. It's a blend of unbridled joy and meticulous craft, a genre-fluid current that simply is Mall Grab. More than just a producer, Jordy's a conductor of energy, a force field that pulls every soul within earshot into his orbit, be it a sun-drenched festival field or the intimate hum of a club. He doesn't just play music; he creates a shared experience, a collective pulse.

Artikel Preis Anzahl
Presale Ticket
Mall Grab, 18.04.2025, 23:00
CHF 21.40
(CHF 20.–)*
Immerkommer-Member Ticket
Mall Grab, 18.04.2025, 23:00
mehr Informationen
CHF 16.10
(CHF 15.–)*

Mindestalter 20 Jahre
Amtlicher Ausweis zwingend


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